Feng Shui Friday – Bring me some wood!

Most people I know love getting a bunch of beautiful flowers. So do I. Especially when my darling husband brings me a big bouquet of roses for no specific reason. Those are the best!

Did you know that flowers represent the Wood element in Feng Shui? Wood is all about new beginnings and fresh energy. Maybe that is why flowers are used in romantic courtship? Flowers are a representation of the fresh, new and exciting energy surrounding a new relationship and therefore the perfect representation of those wonderful feelings.

Wood in Feng Shui is also related to Spring and the expansive energy of growth. So whenever you feel like you need a new beginning or some moving forward in any area of you life, using living plants, trees or flowers can help with that.

The Wood element in Feng Shui also represents the East and South east compass directions, the eldest son and daughter in the family and is associated with thunder and wind. The organs connected with the Wood element are liver and gall bladder. Traditionally Wood is also associated with health, family relationships, abundance and wealth.

Green, healthy plants will do wonders for your indoor air quality. Not only do they attract positive chi (energy), they also help clean the indoor air. Green, leafy plants are extra important in an office environment as they help neutralise some of the not so healthy effects of electrical equipment. If you can, place a healthy green plant in close proximity to your computer screen and feel better for it!

If you have a dark corner or a space that you don’t like, placing a plant there will change the feel and energy of that space. Plants and flowers are wonderful representations of healthy, vital energy.

So next time you give or receive a bunch of flowers, you can think of all the positive attributes associated with them and appreciate them even  more!

And by the way… Why not treat yourself to some lovely flowers this weekend?

Happy Feng Shui Friday!


Feel Good Group - Roses



  4 comments for “Feng Shui Friday – Bring me some wood!

  1. September 25, 2012 at 14:04

    love your comments. this is really good feng shui advise. keep them coming

    • Sara
      September 28, 2012 at 16:07

      Thank you Christine! 🙂 Will do!

  2. September 27, 2012 at 00:31

    Yes I agree that flowers represent the Wood element in Feng Shui, really it is great way to express our feeling through flower. Definitely when I receive a bunch of flowers will think of all the positive attributes associated with them and appreciate them even more! thanks for sharing such a wonderful stuff.

    • Sara
      September 28, 2012 at 16:08

      Thank you! Enjoy your flowers! 🙂

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